A vacation is only a vacation if one can vacate, right? Case in point: James Heaton’s post about when he went away last week with his wife and three kids. I am sure you can relate. I know I can.
In a nutshell, after not being able to ‘disconnect’ like he did last year when he took two weeks off to go to a remote island in Canada, James came up with three new rules concerning time away:
1. Choose a place effectively unreachable by your normal life.
2. Find a way to make this last a MINIMUM of two weeks.
3. Plan nothing in advance except getting there and back. Let in-vacation planning reduce itself down to ONLY the big questions: What will we make for lunch today? What book will I read after this one?
Sounds easy, right? Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
James Heaton (@TronvigGroup) says
Maureen, as your photograph implies, I think you know how to do this right. I’m still learning.
Emmett says
give me two weeks now!
Maureen says
I am still learning, too, James…onward!