Some things to consider when creating a healthcare system that works in the highest and best interest of the patient.
Consider the alternatives. In our country, the Western Medical Model prevails. It is wonderful for many things, but like any system, it does not work for everything. I have seen acupuncture and other complementary therapies work for many people who were not able to resolve a medical issue with medication or even surgery. The World Health Organization recognizes over 43 common disorders that Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has success in treating.
Communicate. This is important between patient and provider and ultimately between the healthcare providers as well. When I volunteered at a Western Medical Facility for a year, it was so much easier working side by side with doctors. It helped me to know what medications and dosages a patient were on and why, what unresolved medical issues they had, as well as the reasons for the treatment they were receiving. This is the way I hope medicine is moving–to create a working environment where conventional and complementary medical approaches can work hand in hand.
Be open minded. It does not help when I have a patient who will not consider seeing a primary care physician for their problem. In fact, I advise every patient to see a doctor to get a diagnosis so we can get a full picture of what is going on. Narrow mindedness about medicine is just as prevalent in people who support Complementary Care as it is in those who advocate Western Care. Time to open our minds, consider the alternatives, and communicate. Only then can we grow a health care system that works in the highest and best interest of all.
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