Art on the Wire is a podcast where artists reveal a challenging time in their careers that leads them to new and unexpected ground. I was honored to be interviewed for the inaugural episode by my daughter in law Kathleen, a master at keeping people ‘on topic’! I speak of the bold choice made that was pivotal in opening my mind to study eastern medicine. Only in hindsight can I see that this circuitous route through the worlds of fashion/art/dance and then breathing life into a farm (see photo of the chicken coop) was the journey needed to be able to practice medicine in the unique manner that I do. Listen here.
Acupuncture is both a skill and an art. In ancient times it was expected that a practitioner would study an art. Creativity cultivates intuition to see each case as a unique puzzle.
“We each have an inner artist, and honoring it is how we save ourselves.” So says Julia Cameron, author of The Artists Way, that has sold over 5 million copies and continues to change lives. I believe this is true, in the sense that “saving ourselves” means allowing a sense of self-worth and confidence when using the unique gifts that come naturally to us.
What is yours? Don’t know? Try a morning page a la Julia Cameron. You probably have your own ways of uncovering what comes naturally to you. Spring is a good time to explore!